AllSpice Chief of Deliciousness, Rory, just couldn't get enough of our Ammazza Soucera Blend to flow from our current shaker lids (they're perfect for many of our other, more finely ground spices and blends, however). So he went on a mission to find the perfect jar to shake, shake, shake it on everything. And with it's wide shaker slots, this is the one!
If you love the Ammazza Soucera Blend as much as he does, this shaker jar will help you maximize its deliciousness.
This glass and metal shaker jar is the kind you'll find in nearly every pizzeria. We recommend it over our shaker lids for coarser blends like our Ammazza Soucera Blend, which we put on nearly everything. Don't get too wild shakin' it...spices are going to pass through the cap quickly!
If you want the ultimate pizza topping mix the Ammazza Soucera with equal parts grated parmesan cheese and then put it in this jar.