Salmon is not difficult to prepare, and is a wonderful fish for the stovetop, oven or grill. While salmon is delicious on its own, our seared salmon seasoning is a great, easy way to add a tasty sweet, citrusy flavor to the fish, with just a hint of anise.
Not all salmon is equal, so it’s important to select the best fish. We prefer to select a good, thick, skin-on filet from the head-end of the fish. The best salmon is wild and from the West Coast – typically sockeye or king. If you can select this type over farm or ocean raised salmon, we recommend it (these methods often contain antibiotics and sometimes food coloring to enhance the pink color of the fish).
To prepare the salmon, brush the filet with a quality extra virgin olive oil or a citrus flavored olive oil. Our Blood Orange Olive Oil is an especially good one. Then coat the fish with the Seared Salmon Seasoning. We recommend using 1-2 teaspoons of the blend per pound of fish. Let the fish marinate in the seasoning for no more than 10-15 minutes before cooking. Cook until done to your preference.
Ingredients: Brown sugar, orange zest, black pepper, sea salt, coriander, anise, cumin, and fennel.