Shakespeare's Prince Hamlet says: To sleep, perchance to Dream; Aye, there's the rub- But for you, the best rub is the one you use to bake, roast and grill delicious meat, poultry and fish.
Made from comfortable sturdy cotton, this black knee-length apron has an adjustable neck strap to fit most anyone from youngster on up. Our apron sports has 3 pockets in front, great for keeping recipes, kitchen or grilling tools, even several jars* of your favorite AllSpice rub for preparing your favorite meals.
Generous side ties make a bow in back for full front/side coverage -- protection from the slings and arrows of outrageous kitchen messes. Speaking of which, this durable apron is machine washable and stands up well to frequent washings: these are the same aprons we wear every day here at the store.
Suit up in this clever apron and stock up the pockets with necessities, and who knows "what dreams may come" to inspire your cooking?
As an extra bonus they come with the AllSpice scent at no extra charge.
*[AllSpice owner Rory tested the apron: the pockets have a "Spice Jar Capacity" of 5 or 6 1/2 Cup jars. The more you know.]