Spotlight Spice: Apple Pie Spice Blend

It’s almost apple season! In Iowa the season for apple picking generally begins mid-September and ends by mid-October. And our Apple Pie Spice Blend is just what you need for your cobblers, pies, and more.
Apple Pie Spice Blend contains the trinity of baking spices: cinnamon, nutmeg, and cloves, all combined with super fine sugar. The simple, yet flavorful blend is great for tszujing up store bought apple pie filling, making spiced apples, and flavoring your apple pies, cobblers, buckles, and crumbles.
We also like to add the blend to our applesauce (fresh or store bought) for an extra burst of flavor. Give our Apple Pie Spice blend a try with dishes made with pears, peaches, apricots, and other fruits.
Find this warm, autumn-y blend in the Baking Section of