2022 Holiday Shipping Deadlines

Planning to ship AllSpice products for the holidays? USPS and UPS have released their holiday shipping schedules. Take note of the deadlines below if you want your package to arrive before December 25.
US Military Bases: Place your order by the end of the day on Thursday, December 8.
USPS First Class Packages (items under one pound): Place your order by the end of the day on Friday, December 16.
All Other Packages: Place your order by the end of the day Sunday, December 18. If you're shipping to Alaska or Hawaii, your order should be placed by the end of the day on Friday, December 16.
What do we guarantee?
Orders placed by the deadlines above will arrive at the carrier before the carrier's holiday shipping deadline.
Note that USPS First Class and Priority Mail and UPS Ground packages do not have a delivery timeframe guarantee and we cannot control delivery once it leaves AllSpice.